Museums, Galleries, Exhibitions

The most significant benefits of virtual tours or museums and galleries is that their visitors can access the exhibitions without any location or time constraints. Virtual tours of exhibition can work 24/7, 365 days a year. How convenient is that!

We offer to create digital tours that allow unlimited numbers of visitors to immerse themself in the art, regardless of location and geographical boundaries. Viewers can revisit the artworks multiple times without traveling to a physical place, where some might even never get to.

It also expand the interest of temporary exhibitions, as they would still be available beyond the limited time of their physical presentation.

"Au cœur de la couleur. Chefs-d'œuvre de la porcelaine monochrome chinoise (8e - 18e siècle)"
Musée Guimet. Paris.

Coming from the extraordinary Zhuyuetang collection of Richard Kan from Hong Kong, one of the largest collectors of Chinese monochrome porcelain and of the Guimet museum, 300 masterpieces illustrate the Chinese taste for formal simplicity and purity of colors, resulting from centuries of perfection.

June - Septembre 2024
Explore 3D tour
Grand Prix d'Horlogerie de Genève - GPHG 2023
Musée Rath, Geneva
The 90 nominated timepieces, including the winners, were on display at THE MUSÉE RATH IN GENEVA, representing a unique opportunity to admire the year's finest watchmaking creations from 56 brands .

Now, when the exhibition is already finished, thanks to its digital tween, all people around the world can virtually visit and still enjoy the creativity and diversity of most remarkable contemporary watchmaking.

October 2023
Explore 3D tour
We look forward to discussing your specific requirements or answering any questions you may have.

+41 79 363 90 88

Also available for international assignments
Elena Bourqui

Immersive Virtual Tours

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